How to springclean your lifestyle
“It’s the wakening of the warmth after the chilly Winter days”
Its the first day of March (Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus - Happy St Davids Day) and you can already feel the energy, its time to uncurl from your winters sleep and turn your face towards the warmth of the spring sun.
March is a time when we have one foot n winter and the other foot in spring, but as the days become longer, you will notice daffodils, frog spawn and the gentle hum of bumblebees searching for food. This is a wonderful time to dress warmly and sit quietly in your garden or outdoor space and meditate, try this one.
A Springtime Meditation
Find a comfortable quiet space, if you can have the sun on your face, close your eyes and listen to the noises around you, then as you allow your breath to settle into a natural rhythm, feel your feet flat on the floor connecting with the earth beneath your feet, this is grounding.
As you exhale, feel all your tension leave your body and as you breathe in, feel the freshness of spring fill your lungs, take a deeper breath and allow your mind to calm, slow down.
Once you feel ready, begin to scan your body, starting at your feet which are grounded to the earth, move slowly up your legs to your hips and lower back, pause to accept any tension then following a deeper exhale, move slowly up the rest of your body pausing qgain at your neck.
Feel your energy slow through your body, easing tension as it goes. Notice any tension in your neck, jaw and face and take a slow breath in and breathe out all the tightness.
When you feel ready, what can you hear? The gentle buzz of bumblebees, birdsong, the noises from your pond and the rustle of trees, allow your mind to focus on the noises around you.
What can you smell? Can you smell the perfume of daffodils, snowdrops and hellebores? Spend a little time enjoying the scent of nature.
Now, spend as long as you would like enjoying the spring garden and allow your thoughts to come and go, when you feel ready, gently open your eyes and sit still for a little while
Spring clean your healthy routine
The arrival of Spring is the ideal time to be more active and to adopt a healthy routine. Its time to get active!
A brisk walk in the sunshine is so uplifting for the senses and the exercise will improve your fitness, your breathing and loosen tight tense muscles so we suggest a daily walk is a good habit to get into.
Have you heard about dry body brushing? We have discussed the benefits in previous posts but brushing your skin before your morning shower helps to boost your circulation, exfoliate your skin and increase your energy levels, follow your shower with an hydrating body lotion and your skin will feel brighter and softer before you know it.
We are big advocates of meditation, daily mindfulness practise, this helps to improve your emotional health and if you adopt a positive view point on life, you will feel much calmer and happier.
Our Wellness Therapy gift boxes contain everythin you need for your morning springtime routine. The body brush is made with Fsc beechwood and plant based bristles, made in Europe and is completely plastic free. Always brush upwards and keep the brush dry. The box also contains a 100ml bottle of organic massage oil, perfect to apply to your skin after your shower to replenish your skin, it is available in our six signature scents and also a fragrance free oil, found in our Mum to Be wellness gift box. You will find a 75g soy candle to help you relax and enjoy the two meditations found on the card included, the cost is £31 and makes a wonderful gift for friends and family but also an excellent self care gift for you too.
Bringing Spring into your home
How lovely does it feel to open the windows and allow the sweet fresh air of a spring day to flow through your home, washing away the still air of winter. Its a good time to change your scent too that fills your home. Each season has a different feel. Winter is very comforting, homely and nurturing yet the arrival of Spring sends a change. Spring is a fresh season, full of a sense of renewal and promise, we have blended patchouli, rose geranium, pink grapefruit and lavender to encapsulate this feeling. So, as you put away your winter jumpers, make a change to a fresher scent within your home and workplace.
Our News:
Mothers Day - Sunday 10th March - we have a beautiful gift set just perfect for every Mum. Spring Scents Gift Box features a 150g spring candle, 30ml spring reed diffuser and a camellia paper flower reed, £27
Have you seen our new Little Box of Essence gift boxes. We have filled gift tubes with an aromastone and a 10ml organic essential oil blend. At just £21, they make wonderful gifts for friends and family. Available in all six signature scents plus our seasonal blends.
We are so excited to launch our “help me have some beach therapy” organic essential oil blend
The Beach Little Box of Essence will be available to buy at Easter.
We have changed the gift packaging for the Travel Soy Candle Gift Set. We have a big plastic free gift tube filled with four 75g soy candles. There is a choice of two collections and the price has remained the same at £27
Our new Gift Guide is now ready to help you find a wonderful gift for friends and family.
And finally …..
Have you got frogspawn in your garden pond? If so, register it on Freshwater Habitats Trust website. I love the sounds coming from our pond, lovely big clumps of frogspawn have started to appear, its so exciting
As the weather warms, you could hear the soft buzz of early bumblebees and The Bumblebee Trust would love to know so please complete a quick form on their website
It is a good rule of thumb to wait to tidy up your garden until the temperature is consistently above 10C and as bird nesting season is March until September, you are advised to leave hedges, shrubs, climbers and trees untouched so they are not disturbed, instead leave fresh water and good food to help busy bird parents.
Really, what Im saying is just sit back and enjoy the hum of nature and let your garden provide cover, food and habitats for everything.
March 20th is the Spring Equinox or the Festival of Ostara
Easter begins on the 29th March with Good Frday. Do you remember Good Friday Balls? really colourful small balls, i wonder if they were a Northern England or even Cheshire event but I loved them as a child and carried the tradition on with my daughter.
“it was one of those March days, when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold. When it is summer in the light and winter in the shade”