“‘It’s a time of liberation, It’s a time of shedding the shackles of inhibition and of giving a damn. ”
Hormones play a vital role in our body from the day we are conceived, they control our bodily functions by sending chemical messages via our bloodstream to various organs. They control a number of functions including metabolism, growth, mood, reproduction and secual health, when they are in perfect balance, our body performs like a sports car but when they become out of balance, my goodness we know about it!
We mostly become aware of hormones during puberty. In girls, menstruation begins and in boys changes to facial hair and voice begin to happen. It feels like all of a sudden our hormones have woken up but your body has been working getting ready for certain times in your life in the background.
Hormones can cause skin inperfections, acne, eczema and psoriasis. The sudden drop of estrogen just before your period can cause your skin to flare up, but this should improve afterwards.
eat foods rich in tryptophan. Mainly found in turkey, tryptophan is also found in cottage cheese, oats, and legumes. Tryptophan helps to produce serotonin. Serotonin helps your mood and could help you sleep better
eat breakfast to help regulate your blood sugar. Erratic blood sugar levels may lead to feelings of irritability
Avoid foods high in sugar as they give a sharp increase in glucose which is followed by a sharp dip, this causes tiredness and drained. Eat nuts like cashews, peanuts, almonds, and pistachios, all high in phytoestrogens.
Hot flushes can be relieved by cutting out or down on caffeine-rich tea/coffee, alcohol, chocolate, and spicy foods.
How can “help me, apparently i need to chill out” blend help during menopause
Palmarosa is an excellent essential oil to use when our hormones are out of sync or going through change, we have blended palmarosa with geranium bourbon. A study found that when using geranium, the secretion of salivary estrogen was stimulated, which may be useful when we experience reduced estrogen levels
Our libido, during all stages of menopause, can be lower. Ylang Ylang is included in our Chill oil to help balance hormones and boost libido. Ylang Ylang is very beneficial to calm the mind and when blended with Lavender, provides support for our wellbeing and helps to lower stress levels
The menopause can arrive at many differing ages. Before we enter the menopause, our body enter the peri-menopausal stage which can last for up to 10 years and often beyond. During the peri menopause, the levels of estrogen begin to decrease bringing the likelihood of hot flushes, irregular periods, feeling down, sleep problems, a lower sex drive and a foggy brain. There is finally more research to discover the true effect of the peri-menopause but it is an important part of your bodies transistion to menopause and a good diet is crucial to help. Eating foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, such as green leafy vegetables, soy protein. Foods rich in phyto-oestrogens, such as linseeds, tofu, sesame and pumpkin seeds help to soften the slowing down of estrogen.
“There are cooling pillows to help with hot flushes through the night, cotton nightwear and bedding will also help”
Once you have not had a period for over 12 months, your body has reached the menopause stage. Your body may still have hot flushes, brain fog, feel irritable, lack of energy and interest, no interest in sex and you could still feel low in mood but your body is beginning to rebalance, there is light at the end of a very long tunnel. Your diet and lifestyle choice are vital for your body to stay strong, energetic and ready to get back to making the most of your life.
Make sure you include plenty of calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin D rich foods. Fruits, vegetables especially green leafy iron rich types, whole foods. Vegetarians and vegans are often low in vitamin B12 which is animal dirived, you may need to take a supplement to ensure that you are having enough to keep your mood and physical body strong.
There are foods which are superfoods for during the menopause. Berries, broccoli, soya, walnuts, beans, eggs. It is very important to protect our bone health, foods reach in magnesium, boron help to grow bone. Foods like apples, pears, grapes (red), dates and raisins for packed full of goodness. Legumes and nuts are also a good source of boron.
“Did you know that if you have had a full hysterectomy, you may need help with all three hormones, HRT only looks after two”
Legs up the wall - promotes drainage from excess fluid build up, stay in the pose for as long as 5 minutes then slowly lower your legs and roll on your side before slowly sitting up
Place one or two pillows under your knees to get your legs higher if you sleep on your back. Between your knees if you sleep on your side
Magnesium foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, bananas, yoghurts, legumes and nuts & seeds
body brush your legs every day to stimulate your circulation, massage our oil onto your skin before bed as the blend of Palmarosa, Geranium, Ylang Ylang and Lavender will help to calm your nerve pathways
avoid caffiene
be active
keep hydrated
It is now agreed that we go through three stages in the menopause and the post menopause happens when we begin to feel more energetic, happier with ourselves, sleep better, feel better. Hot flushes, brain fog and all the other symptoms of menopause will have stopped and our mind feels clearer. We do, however have to more conscious of our bone health, this can be done by weight bearing exercise, good nutrition and being as active in life as possible. The stronger we feel, the more interested in life we are, the better our mind and body health will be.
If you have reached this stage, like me, well done it feels so good. No more sweating at the wrong moment, forgetting things, not being able to remember how to do things you ve done all your life. Feeling like you again, but better. I truly feel that I am happy with who I am. I may be a little chubby and need to do more personal upkeep (if you understand me haha) but I am okay with that. Give yourself a pat on the back and lets see how we can help to stay strong, happy and healthy.
exercise for 30 minutes per day - weight bearing is best - walking, dancing
eat a diet rich in calcium
try and regulate your weight if possible
enjoying sunshine and daylight to build up your levels of vitamin D, maybe take a supplement during winter
mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D
Eat fortified cereals, milks and yoghurts
consider taking a vitamin B12 supplement
We are super excited to announce the arrival of Wellness Therapy. For the last 27 years I have been helping ease your achy back, stimulate your lymphatic system and helping to relax you. I have noticed that more clients are having issues caused by stress effect on their muscles. This is causing headaches, migraines, sciatica and so many more ailments. I have spent the last fews years studying Mindfulness, EFT, Meditation to sit alongside my Reiki, Reflexology treatments. I have so many plans to create a facebook group so we can have a Sunday morning session and try and help rebalance the stress and anxiety levels which should, in turn, soothe and calm your muscles.
I will be talking and explaining all about the different methods, we can use to lower your stress levels.
Relaxation begins with a quiet mind, happy to stay in the present
To celebrate the Platinum Jubillee and the arrival of our “hello to summer” products and gifts, we are giving you 15% off our products using code “HAPPYJUBILEE”
You can use it on our website, etsy and andsotoshop until Monday 6th June
““The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most of everyday”
Thank you for reading my blog, next month we begin to look at Tapping, Take good care, Linda x