Our Five Tips to Glowing Skin

Good things take time but good skin comes rights after the minute you decide to take care of it
— unknown

Winter can be harsh on our skin, a brisk wind will dry your complexion quickly. Central heating is very drying too but there is lots of actions you can take to keep your skin feeling soft and silky. It all begins with organic oils!

Your skin comprises three main layers, the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis is the top layer, dermis the middle layer and hypodermis the base layer and each has its own structure and function.

  • your hypodermis protects the tissues and muscles underneath and allows your skin to move smoothly. Adipose tissue (fat stores) is present in the hypodermis which insulates and protects your organs, by acting like a cushion, it is also your energy reserve. You can keep your hypodermis healthy by treating wounds properly, avoid sun damage and stay hydrated. Plant oils will penetrate deep down to the hypodermis to help protect it from inflammation.

  • your dermis is made from collagen, elastic tissues, nerve endings, hair follicles, phagocytes (these consume harmful toxins and bacteria) and glands. It protects the hypodermis from harm, producing sweat and hair.

  • your epidermis is your protective barrier against infections, bacteria and germs from entering your body and bloodstream via your skin. It also protects your skin against sun damage, rain and other damage. It produces new skin.

sleep organic massage oil

apply to your body at night, allow the petitgrain, ginger, eucalyptus and lavender to help you sleep

Our Tips to protect:

  • stay hydrated as this increases the skins elasticity. This helps with fine lines and wrinkles and sagging.

  • eat a balanced wholefood, unproecessed diet. Foods rich in potassium (apricots, dried fruits, leafy greens), zinc (almonds, cashews, fruits) and selenium (eggs). Lycopene found in tomatoes helps is beneficial as are blueberries as they are a superfood.

  • apply an organic plant based oil on your skin daily helps to protect against chaffing, dry skin, irritated and red skin. We have blended three organic carrier oils in our massage oil. They are Jojoba, Apricot Kernel and Grapeseed. Each one is rich in vitamins and minerals, easily and quickly absorbed deep into the dermis, they provide protection and repair to your skin. Jojoba has anti inflammatory properties which will calm and soothe irritation, this is perfect for skins prone to eczema as its helps with the skins elasticity. Jojoba has been found to reduce itching due to its keratoplastic action (this means it thickens the keratin layers, these layers produce hair, nails and skin). Apricot Kernel is extremely moisturising, rich in vitamin A and E, this oil has a neutralising action on damage due to sun damage and other environmental damage. Apricot kernel will also help to soften fine lines and wrinkles. The last oil is Grapeseed, ideal to treat skin imperfections, grapeseed helps to soften your skin and provides an active barrier for your skin.

  • wear gloves to protect your hands from harsh winter weather. Applying an oil to your cuticles will keep them soft and a hand cream at night will ensure your hands look lovely

  • dont forget your scalp during winter too. Applying an oil to your scalp helps to remove bacteria, dry skin cells and encourages fresh nutrition blood to help your hair grow stronger and healthier. You can apply our massage oil to your scalp, just one pump will be enough. Using your fingertips, massage the oils onto the scalp, then leave as long as possible so that the jojoba, apricot kernel and grapeseed penetrates into your skin. Remember to apply your shampoo before you add water, your hair will love you!

enjoy a min dful meditation

its still the time for self care, rest and this meditation can be enjoyed anywhere

Did you know that you dont need to clean your face in the morning, just a splash of water and moisturiser will be enough.? It is very important at night to remove all make up and impurities. You can use our fragrance free oil as a cleanser and, if your skin is dry, use it under your night cream for an added boost. Your skin heals and repairs over night so why not include a facial massage for a little lymphatic drainage and to release tense facial muscles? This will help you sleep better too!
— Linda x
fragrance free massage oil

a massage skin oil free from fragrance, limonene, linalool, just pure hydration for your skin

February is still a month for rest and self care but how lovely that the days are becoming longer and the sun is warmer, a lovely thought to end with. I am busy getting the larger therapy balms ready for the end of this month, they are wonderful for cuticles, dry skin and to calm and soothe irritated skin.

The end of February sees the return of the spring products, help me say hello to spring. I blend organic essential oils of patchouli, pink grapefruit, rose geranium and lavender, the scent is fresh, cosy and full of the anticipation that comes with this wonderful season.

Looking a little further ahead to March, you will find a new gift box for Mothers Day, a new fragrance to try, help me have some forest therapy will be available in a soy candle and essential oil blend.

My garden is beginning to awake but its too early to clear away, there will be tiny insects overwintering, just enjoy the buzz of early bumblebees, clear skies, emerging vibrant buds, its the promise of a wonderful year ahead, Linda x

let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love
— Mother Teresa

with March comes Mother’s Day & the Spring Equinox


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