Why you should count your blessings
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance”
This year has been a real challenge to stay positive and optimistic but if we appreciate the little things, then, maybe we will notice that we have lots to be grateful for. Studies have found that the people who count their blessings on a daily basis have a happier, more relaxed lifestyle than those who don’t.
Gratitude is a healthy practise and leads to lower blood pressure, better sleep and a happier disposition so how do you start, its so easy, its ridiculous that we ve never done it before! Sometimes we’re so busy chasing all the things we haven’t got that we forget to notice the things we already have, the people in our lives and the fortunate circumstances in which we live. For example, if you find you are wearing odd socks, think “at least my feet are warm” or if you wonder if you re a cup half full or half empty, be grateful, you have a cup. Simple changes to how you think, the first thought in the morning should be thank you, then you start your day with a full heart.
How to Embrace Gratitude
firstly, you need to see the good in people. If you smile at someone, they, very often, will smile back. Dolly Parton said “if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours” and shes right. When was the last time, someone saying “good morning” as they walked past you, made you instantly happier. That connection with another person in a happy manner is infectious so lets spread the positivity.
I may be old fashioned, but I was brought up to believe in manners. I am a strong independent woman but I love it when someone (man or woman) opens a door for me, Ive done this for many people myself. Sometimes theres a cheery smile and sometimes a grumpy face but mostly it feels good to be nice to another person, a stranger. I was brought up to give my seat up for an elderly person or a pregnant lady, its just being polite and kind. I think we need to regain our manners, our love of another person, this will begin the roll back of aggression.
Practising daily gratitude is noticing the little things. A bird singing in the morning, the smell of coffee or fresh bread. The sounds of laughter or a great song on the radio, its completely free to do and the benefits of vast.
I often get up early to sit and listen to the bird song, it makes me happy as its so pure. I grow my own fruit and veg and this year, I managed to grow a sweet pepper, this, I am truly grateful for. A simple sweet pepper made me smile.
So you see, counting your blessings, being grateful for the small pleasures, and simple gestures of others and the wonderful healing of nature is all around us. You have the choice to only see the negatives or embrace the positives and be very grateful for them.
There is a Roald Dahl quote that I love, its on a wall in my shop. “if you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely”. its true. If you feel grumpy, and sad, with the world on your shoulders, your head facing down, your shoulders rolled over and you watch your feet. But if you can take a breath, raise your head, and notice the good things and the friends around you, then your frown turns upside down and before you know it, you re smiling and you have a new perspective on the worry or problem that was weighing you down.
There is always something to be grateful for.
This is what I would like you to do each day
begin each morning with 3 things that you are looking forward to - Attention
before you go to sleep, remember three things that you enjoyed about today - Appreciation
how many people did you connect with a happy heart, a smile? - Admiration
did you give yourself a pat on your back for being a wonderful person today - Approval
what did you do that made you happy?
How did you make someone else happy?
Christmas Advent Competiton
Christmas is around the corner and we want to have some fun and make a big fuss of you. Please join in with our Christmas Advent, running for twelve days in December. Each day we will have a prize for you to win, simply solve the riddle, find the answers and let us know., We will draw one winner each day. This is running on both Simply Relaxing and Helpmeorganics Instagram and facebook platforms, from the 1st December until the 12th December with the winners being announced at 4pm daily. You can read the T&Cs on our instagram accounts
Browse our Gift Guide to find perfect gifts for friends and family this Christmas
AndSoToShop Joy of Indie Christmas Online Market - 4th November until 6th November
November 2nd is National Stress Awareness Day which begins a week long focus on stress.
Keep an eye on our social media for tips on helping to release tension by focusing on our breathing.
Try this meditation to help you feel more relaxed.
"There are so many ways to calm a negative energy without suppressing or fighting it. You recognise it, you smile at it, and you invite something nicer to come up and replace it. You read some inspiring words, you listen to a piece of beautiful music, you go somewhere in nature, or you do some walking meditation
Thich Nhat Hanh
Stress Relieving Meditation
Close your eyes or keep them open and choose an area or object to focus on
Slowly inhale to the count of four, then slowly exhale to the count of five
As you continue with this breathing pattern, being to picture a light at the top of your head.
Allow the light to slowly scan down your body, becoming aware of each area as it scans down over it.
Notice any tension and tightness, and release it.
Scan from your head to your neck and face, then to your shoulder all the way until you get down to your toes
Did you know that you can design your own Letterbox Gift, have a look here
And finally ….
November is a time when our gardens begin to fall asleep and its really important to next years ladybirds, butterflies and bees that we allow them quiet, with plenty of places to hibernate so please leave seedheads, nettles, a longer lawn, ivy and longers hedges. Hedgehogs are also finding places to hibernate, so leave an undisturbed area, on a drier part of the garden for them, hedgehogs are having a horrible time and we stand to lose them if we dont protect their food souces and habitats. Make space for frogs and newts too, the gardeners friends need us to their friends.
November is also bonfire night, Please please move your bonfire before you light it and only light one side, this allows all creatures to escape.
If you are having a pumpkin for Halloween, please don’t leave the pumpkin for the wildlife, it makes them feel unwell. Pop it straight into your compost bin.
November frosty mornings are beautiful. How lovely do cobwebs look glistening with dew. A true delight.
Make sure to leave fresh water and clean birdseed in clean feeders for our feathered friends, they need to put on weight now for winter so will be eating much more.
How to stay healthy in November
“fallen leaves on the grass can bring more delight than daffodils”