How to fragrance your home naturally
Inspirational quote - “There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight”
October is the month we welcome lots of new products to our range. The first one is...
This is the fourth and final product from our Home Fragrance Collection , we have searched for recycled glass bottles that are made in the UK, that will look great in any situation. Simple lines and a sturdy base make them perfect for you to enjoy our blends. The diffusers come in a large 250ml size with 10 reeds to help our blends diffuse around the room. If you love a stronger scent, move the reed diffuser to a sunny windowsill or near a radiator. Prefer a gentle scent, place the diffuser in a cooler situation. We have used a diffuser base made from vegetable glycerine, this has no scent so will not interfere with the organic essential oils. The reed diffusers come in all of our blends plus, this year, we are very excited that our wintertime blend "help me say hello to winter" is also available as a reed diffuser.
They come in a gift box so make perfect gifts for yourself or someone special.
Fill your home with organic aromatherapy
With Christmas round the corner, we have designed the perfect present for anyone. All of our products are included in the boxes which are made from recycled card, made in the UK and they have a surprise feature as we want you to be able to reuse the boxes after the contents have been enjoyed. Dig deep inside the box and all will be revealed!
The shredded paper is compostable and is the perfect "brown material" for any compost bin. Each product is organic and vegan. The features are:
Full sized 50ml room spray, perfect to deliver an instant burst of fragrance to any room
Full sized 50ml massage oil. Try applying to your skin after your bath/shower
Full sized 10ml essential oil blend to use in diffusers or with our...
Aroma stone. Perfect to sit next to you in your home office while you work remotely
75g soy candle, the perfect travel sized candle
30ml reed diffuser. A cute size to fit on a bookshelf, it will fill the room with scent
A handy card with tips on how to use your products
Each gift box will come ready for you to give to your special person this Christmas and throughout the year.
Perfect gift for Christmas
available all year round too!
October is another busy month. We are taking part in another online market with Pedddle on 24th Oct. Although we really miss getting out to meet you at events and markets, we do enjoy these virtual markets.
The days, now, can start with misty mornings and cooler evenings which gives us the perfect excuse (not that you need one!) to light candles in the evening while we snuggle down to watch a good movie
“help me say hello to Autumn”
Perfect candle for Halloween
October highlights several medical campaigns. The first being Breast Cancer Awareness and also Go Sober for October. It is vital to check your breasts regularly and seek advice if you re worried. Men too should check too.
Here are some other dates to remember:
1st October - World Vegetarian Day - after watching Extinction - The Facts, the amount of meat consumed must be reduced. As a vegetarian, it breaks my heart the conditions animals have to endure.
3rd October - International Day of Yoga
4th October - World Animal Day - animals are fabulous and should be cherished and celebrated every day
4th October - World Smile Day - o my goodness we all need a lift so make sure you find ways to be happy, not just today but everyday
4th - 9th October- World Space Week - we are fans of the planets, stars and all things cosmic
6th October is World Badger Day - I have a passion for our badgers, they are the most persecuted animal in the UK and are experiencing a shocking cull. Today please write to your MP , tell them of your thoughts to do with the proposed cull. We have badgers which visit us every evening and they are a delight , I love them so much
11th October is World Peri-menopause Day - this is the early start of the menopause when your hormones begin to change and your periods begin to stop. It can happen without you realising but some ladies have a real struggle. If you do, please read as much as possible, speak to your doctor and decide whether to try HRT or control things naturally
14th to 18th Oct is World Chocolate Week - o my i love chocolate. I intend to try artisan chocolate makers, there are some fantastic makers out there.
15th Oct is Global Wave of Light. At 7pm light a candle for all the people who have lost babies
31st Oct is Halloween - pop your pumpkins by your front doors as this is the day when the gap from our world and the world beyond is thinnest. Pumpkins are believed to signify spirits are not welcome. The seeds, roasted, taste yum
Scent in focus :
“help me say hello to winter”
Fill your home with a
wonderful scent of Christmas
"Help me say hello to winter"
When we started Helpmeorganics, Claire asked me to create a blend for Christmas that had no cinnamon. So I have blended organic essential oils of Fir Needle, Sweet Orange, Clove Bud, Lemon and Ginger to evoke a Christmassy feeling. We have developed this range to be not just for Christmas anymore but for the whole winter season. How lovely to fill your home with a warm, soothing protective scent, afterall it is the season of the candle.
Did you know that fir needle and clove bud have powerful antimicrobial properties to will help ease sinus congestion and are also antibacterial. When blended with soothing ginger and comforting sweet orange and lemon, this blend smells divine but will fill your home with a protective scent to help ward off coughs and colds. If you suffer with SAD, the blend of oils have uplifiting, anxiety soothing benefits.
"It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon." ~ Sarah Addison Allen
Enjoy October and we will speak to you again soon xx