How to have a Merry Hygge December
“December is a month of hope, a season of love, and a time to believe in miracles”
December has arrived with its hustle and bustle. If you love having lots going on, I think that is lovely but December can also be stressful. The Danish people are believed to be the happiest people due to one mindset, Hygge. Hygge is a feeling, a mindset when you enjoy the simple things in life. Time spent with your favourite people enjoying good food, twinkly candles, cosy clothing and, I think this is the way Christmas should be.
we do have a hygge challenge for a week, if you receive our monthly lifestyle email
What is Wintering?
Nature rests during winter, slowing down and resting more is instictive, this is called wintering, this takes places during December, January and February. Taking time to rest a little more is restorative for our bodies, it is the perfect time for reflection on the year just gone, the constant urge for production and success needs to reduce, winter is a time for healing and renewal. If we do not spend time healing, our body and mind will become exhausted and burn out occurs so, this winter, try to enjoy walks in nature, good food (soups, casseroles etc), jigsaws, crochet, reading and writing, this could be a journal or simply writing a story.
winter is the slow down, it is a time for self care
How to have a relaxing Christmas
Christmas is a busy time but thoroughly enjoyable time for many but some people find it very difficult, especially for everyone who has lost someone dear. We wanted to help and we have designed some ideas for you to try.
create a quiet space, or room where you can retreat to if you need a minute or two. Add blankets, cushions, books, jigsaws, plain paper and pencils, music, soft lighting. Place a sign on the door so no one will distrub you. This works really well for children and pets too.
if you feel anxious or overwhelmed try a little box breathing. Find somewhere quiet and comfortable, place you hand on your chest and inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four then, as you exhale for a count of four, visualise the anxiety leaving your body, hold this for a count of four. Repeat as necessary.
remind yourself that you dont have to force yourself to be in the Christmas spirit, its okay to set your own boudaries and say no. There is no such thing as perfect and your best is very much good enough.
try and go for a walk to clear your head.
use aromatherapy to relax. Make the most of baths or even shower time. Add candles, scents, creams, and soaps to make this a special self care time. Pop your pyjamas on and read your book.
Dont worry if you forget these dates, we will remind you x
And finally …
Dont forget to celebrate the arrival of the Winter Solstice on the 21st December, this is the return of the light. Please place your order for a winter solstice letterbox by the 10th December or maybe have a go at winning one in the Big Advent Competition!
we try really hard to keep our prices stable but on January 1st 2025, there will be a small price increase
winter is a time to allow your garden to rest, by leaving leaves on the borders, tiny insects, caterpillars, bees, ladybirds, beetles and many more creatures can survive the winter. Ensure you keep your pond frost free, if you dont have a pond, maybe dig one now for the frogs and newts in the spring. I love the sound of frogs and the first bumble bee but they must not be taken for granted, we have to do our bit by providing fresh water, food and habitat all year.
This year has past so quickly, its been a year to reflect on for many reasons. How did you do with the intentions you set last january?
We want to thank you for your support this year, we really do appreciate every order, message and feedback.
We send you warm wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Linda, Kevin and Claire xx
“never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve”