How to have happy sinuses
“Breathing in, i calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, i know this is a wonderful moment”
Hello, how are you feeling? As we slip from summer to autumn, out sinuses can feel all blocked and congested, this can cause pressure in our face, head and ears, what can we do to help ease the congestion? Here are our top ten tips to help your sinuses to feel happy and calm. Sinuses are small empty spaces behind your cheeks and forehead that connect to your nose, you also have two sinus points at the back of your head too. We need our sinuses as they moisturise the inner lining of the nose which help to capture impurities entering our head via the tiny hairs called cilia Sinusitis is when these cavities become inflamed.
Its getting a little nippy now, first thing in the morning and possibly in the evenings too. Central heating can be very irritating to our mucous membranes and can cause a build up of congestion and pressure. Adding a bowl of water on top of your radiator helps to counteract this by replacing the moisture. It is a good idea to add essential oils to the bowl, the warmth diffuses the oils so you can enjoy the beautiful scent too.
Getting as much fresh air as possible really helps to clear your head. It is too easy to stay indoors but a walk in the woods (especially a pine woods) is very therapeutic for both your emotional wellbeing and your sinuses. Dont forget to throw your arms around a big strong tree to tap into the life energy, say thank you though!
If you feel completely blocked up, try having a bath or hotter shower as the steam will help to loosen the congestion.
Active sinuses can mean “sinus drip” which, at night, is not pleasant to say the least. Try placing blocks of wood, old books under the “head-end” of the bed so you have a slight slope (not too high or else you will need to strapped in haha). This stops the puddle effect. Please dont put something under your pillow, this will hurt your neck, by placing the block under the legs of the bed, you are raising the back of the bed whilst retaining your sleep position if you understand me!
Pop 2-3 drops of our “help me, i’m feeling under the weather” blend on a tissue next to or under your pillow at night, the oils will diffuse gently so you can breathe easier. For younger children, try 1 drop and for very young children, 1 drop but position the tissue above their bed or on the opposite side of the bedroom.
Dairy products can stimulate the production of mucous so if you are really struggling, reduce or stop your intake of dairy products for a little while
If you bend over and it hurts, you could have a sinus infection so please ask your doctor as you may need antibiotics but tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint have antibacterial, antiseptic properties too.
Hopi ear candles are fantastic at removing wax plugs which can stop the natural sinus drainage. The treatment includes a lymphatic facial massage too which really helps to drain and soothe the sinus points.
Reflexology is also really beneficial for sinus issues and helps to boost your immune system
Try doing some facial massage. This helps to stimulate the natural drainage and also calms your nerve endings in your face and head. Using a light pressure with your two middle fingers, start above the eye brow and gently massage in a circular movement along the eyebrow and under the eye, when you reach the top of your nose, very gently press and release, repeat this 2 or 3 times. Then as you massage across the eyebrow, return under the cheek bone and up to the top of the nose, gentle press and release. Next with circular movements, massage from your chin out towards your ear and down your neck from your ear. This will help to drain any sinus congestion. Try warming your hands first under warm water for an added effect. You could use a facial oil to give your skin a treatment too but don’t use a body oil on your face, the blend of essential oils will be too strong.
September is a celebration of Organic Products. We are proud to use organic ingredients in every product. We believe passionately about eating organic vegetables, fruits and salads and garden organically too. We must protect our soil and by adopting organic farming methods, we can maintain the structure of the soil, protect the insects that live within it, the crops grow better, the insects thrive and life is generally better for everyone.
Foods labelled as organic must meet strict regulations on how they have been grown and produced. All organic food companies and farms are inspected yearly to ensure that they meet the high standards required for organic food under European law.
When you buy organic you can be sure that the products you are buying:
Contain no artificial additives or preservatives.
Contain fewer pesticides. There are only 20 pesticides that can be used by organic farmers all of which are derived from natural ingredients. This is compared to almost 300 pesticides used in regular farming.
Conform to high standards of animal welfare.
Contain no genetically modified ingredients.
Have been produced in a way that is sustainable.
So please, small changes to living organically will truly help rebalance nature and begin to heal our wonderful planet. If we, as consumers, demand that supermarkets stock reasonably priced, organic food then they will. If we, as consumers, only buy organic cleaning materials, it will make a huge difference.
This month try to:
Leave seedheads on plants to allow insects such as ladybirds to snuggle up through the winter. Leaving your grass longer too gives insects protection. Nettles at the back of your borders allow butterfly eggs to over winter. Leaving your hedge and ivy uncut is a wonderful way to give birds, bees and butterflies a late food source and look gorgeous. Finally rosehips are so pretty in your garden as they turn bright orange, they too are a good food source for birds. By doing less, we are helping our wildlife out so lets be a little untidy. Your garden will glisten with cobwebs on a frosty day.
Make the most of late summer sunshine to top up your vitamin D. Sunshine is good for the soul and a lovely walk helps you to feel happier, fitter and ready to fight off coughs and colds plus its so much fun to kick the leaves on the ground. After all that activity, you have earned a hot chocolate and a movie night!
Use essential oils in your home to keep your spirits up, fight off coughs and colds, keep airways open and fill the air with the scent of autumn. You can use essential oils however you want to. Candles, Sprays, Diffusers, Blends and of course massage oils.
Applying a massage oil after your bath or shower really helps to keep your skin in top condition. Light nutritious carrier oils feed your skin preventing dryness and irritation. You should sleep better too!
September is a good time to check moles. If you are unsure, ask your nurse to have a look. It takes 5 minutes and puts your mind at rest. The same goes for checking your breasts and get your man to check himself too.
This past 2 years has taught us all the importance of talking about how we feel. Meeting up with friends and family is so healthy for our mental health. It is so important to listen as much as talk, this way everyone benefits.
Finally, we need to cherish our hedgehogs and as its coming up to bonfire season. Please double, no triple check for our little friends. Leaves are natures gold, they should be either left on the ground or gathered up to make leaf mould, you cant buy it and it takes no effort to make but it has your gardens natural bacteria in it. Leave the leaves for the worms to drag under ground to enrich your soil ready for next spring and leave areas for hedgehogs, frogs and newts to sleep, undisturbed and safe. xx
“help me say hello to autumn”
Autumn is a beautiful season, rich vibrant colours and spicy fruity scents fill the air. The trees put on a fantastic colour show to help us adjust from summer. Nature is busy filling her larder. We wanted to embrace this with our blend of Pimento leaf, Sweet orange and Rose geranium, all the notes of the oils encapsulate this feeling.
Autumn is a time when the nights begin to draw in and we spend more time indoors. The perfect time to light one of our candles and enjoy a good programme or a games board night, however you enjoy your evenings, scent is a big part of feeling homely, comforted and safe.
In our autumn collection we have a 250ml reed diffuser, a 150g handpoured soy candles and a collection of gifts for you to enjoy. They are all available on our website, etsy and folksy shops now.
You will beable to order our winter collection from the 30th September, made with fir needle, clove, lemon, ginger and sweet orange, the scent is amazing and perfect for Christmas
Monday 27th September, we are very excited to be involved with The Visibility Fair in conjunction with JustACard and Handmade Hour. More details will follow very soon.
I hope you have a lovely September. Do you enjoy reading my blog? If so are there areas you would like to read about? I would love to hear from you, please email me: Thank you, Linda xx
“And then the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awaked. ”