Yes, essential oils can be antibacterial!
“If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this flow. Happiness lies ahead. Meditation is key.” Buddha
October is the spooky month of the year when the gap between our world and the world beyond is thinnest, whether you believe in it or not, this month has a little something that makes you check the shadows and under the bed! I am a Reiki Master practitioner so i honestly believe that there are guides, angels and loved ones helping us but that is my view and i’m sure you have your own thoughts.
October is also the month when the temperature dips, the days are a little shorter, this can have an effect on our immune systems. In the news we are constantly reminded that winter is a troublesome time for both flu and covid. We believe that you can help yourself naturally to fight off seasonal coughs and colds (we are not saying for one minute do not get the flu jab or covid booster, that again is for you to make a informed choice) but we want to show you how to tip the scales to enjoy autumn and winter without the worry of the pandemic and flu.
When i am writing up the information for the products and for our social media, I have to be very careful not to state facts about the different essential oils, make claims or use particular words. This frustrates me as I have been an aromatherapist for 30 years and believe in the properties of the oils we use, so today I am going to tell you about why we use the oils in our products and their properties.
Why do we use the essential oils below in “help me, i’m feeling under the weather”
Lavender (lavandula officinalis) is a member of the Lamiaceae family, a shrubby plant with strong aromatic scent, in aromatherapy it is classed as a medium not oil. It is known to have antiseptic, anti microbial, anti fungal and anti oxidant properties. Lavender has chemical constituents. The word Lavedula comes from the Latin word to wash (Lavare)
cis-b-ocimene (terpene) Apart from its fragrance, cis-b-ocimene has several therapeutic benefits including decongestant, antibacterial and antiseptic
linalool is a relaxant, anti anxiety and soothes muscles
linalyn acetate has anti spasmodic properties and fights fungus, microbes
limonene is an anti oxidant and helps to strengthen the chest
Eucalyptus (eucalyptus radiate) is gentler than eucalyptus globulus, it has a warming feeling and helps to dry up mucous in the chest. It is a member of the myrtaceae family and has a camphorus aroma. We use eucalyptus to help clear your sinuses and fight bacteria infections as eucalyptus kills 85% of bacteria.
1,8 cineol chemical constituent has been found to have mucolytic, expectorant effects which means eucalyptus helps to clear mucous from our sinuses and respiratory system
a-terpineol has a wide range of biological benefits. the main ones being antiulcer, antioxidant and soothing compounds
limonene compound has been found to be very effective at treating broncitis
Tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) is the most natural antiviral, antibacterial, disinfectant and anti fungal essential oil. It helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and kills pathogens. It is a member of the Myrtaceae family, grows in Australia and is rich in anti microbial properties, excellent to fight acne.
Terpinen-4-ol appears to strengthen production of white blood cells which help to fight germs and bacteria
g-terpinene compound is the constituent responsible for the anti fungal benefit of teatree. Used extensively to treat athletes foot and fungal infections. This compound is also found to have anti oxidant properties which are helping to slow down diabetes and Alzheimers disease.
a-terpinene compound has powerful anti oxidant properties which help to relax and soothe and gives tea tree is scent.
Peppermint (mentha piperita) is a wonderful head clearing, stimulating essential oil, it is a member of the Lamiaceae family and classed as a top note. It is best known for its stomach settling benefits especially nausea. Peppermint tea also helps to dispel wind.
l-menthol is a naturally occurring cold receptor which helps to clear upper respiratory airway congestion
n-menthone helps to fight bacterial infections
menthyl acetate gives peppermint the fabulous camphorous scent which we all love
Tangerine (citrus reticulata) has a tangy warming and comforting scent. We use tangerine to lighten and confirm the blend.
g-terpinene has antifungal and anti oxidant properties
myrcene has sedative and calming properties
limonene which helps to strengthen your respiratory tract
Room sprays are ideal to create an instant burst of fragrance. When you use the “under the weather” room spray, tiny molecules of the essential oils are released in the room, helping to produce a protective bubble. We suggest 1 -2 bursts in 2 corners of a room. Alternatively, you can spray your yoga mat or exercise mat to keep it clean and fresh. We use a witch hazel base which is a natural alcohol, this keeps the spray fresh and is the perfect base, please shake the bottle to blend the oil and witch hazel together.
This month, remember to….
Check your boobs. (and your partners too!) If cancerous lumps are found early, the treatment is easier and much more effective so get into the habit of checking your boobs and nipples on a regular basis. There are amazing videos to help you, try this from Coppafeel
October is the month to lay off having alcohol. Why not put the money you would spend of beer, wine etc in a jar, then you can have a treat come November or just pay off a bill…only a suggestion
October 1st is World Smile Day and also World Vegetarian Day.
Autumn is a time when the leaves fall from the trees, please leave them on the ground. Worms will come and drag them underground which enriches the soil for next year. Invertebrates, frogs/newts and hedgehogs snuggle down for the winter. Leaves make wonderful leaf mould so if you like a neater garden, gather up the leaves off your lawn and paths and place them in a bag and store them out of the way. Come next spring, you will have a bag of natures gold, ready to refresh your pots.
Also don’t cut back flower seed heads as ladybirds and other insects sleep through the winter. Leave nettles at the back of the border for butterfly eggs. We can help Mother Nature by actually doing very little, leave your garden a little untidy and next Spring, we will have lots of baby blue tits to enjoy.
Pumpkins are traditionally put on the doorstep to ward away unwanted evil spirits on Halloween. Once you ve enjoyed carving them, what can you do with it. Squirrels love pumpkin seeds but keep off the ground as pumpkin flesh will make hedgehogs poorly. Cut the pumpkin into segments and let the birds eat the flesh and badgers too. You can hang the pumpkin half in a tree and fill it with birdfood. You can also put the pumpkin on the compost heap too. If you keep chicken, they love to peck at the fleshy bits
We are so excited to introduce our latest editions to our gift collection. Bath Time Bliss Gift Boxes are designed to help you enjoy a soak in the bath. A warm bath is great for easing muscular aches and pains, delivers fresh oxygenated blood around the body, soothes and calm your nervous system which helps you to relax. Your brain releases endorphins when you are submerged in warm water which helps you to sleep better. The steam acts as a decongestant too.
In our boxes you will find a soy candle, wooden body brush made with vegan plant-based bristles, an organic massage oil to rehydrate your skin and a beautiful white hand towel which is embroidered with our logo. All made in the UK and Europe.
We have used a silver gift box and finished with our green ribbon. This box is the perfect gift for anyone who loves a bath and needs to relax more. Available in our six signature scents and our Fragrance Free blend too which is perfect to enjoy during pregnancy or if you have a sensitive skin.
Today is World Handmade Day (1st October). We make each product ourselves in our workshop here in Cheshire and we are very proud to promote handmade gifts and products. You will see the final product but hours and hours of trialing, so many failures, tweaks and planning have gone before so please always buy local handmade if you can. The ingredients will be carefully sourced, it benefits the local economy and you will make someones day xx
“When you buy something made by a person, there is something there and you feel it. The consciousness with which a thing is made is often more important than the item itself”