May - Chapter 5 of 12
Inspirational quote – “everyday is a good day” Kevin Murphy
As you will have seen on our website and social media, we took the decision to pause order deliveries due to the Covid-19 outbreak and the postal service. As soon as we can we will get back to delivering our candles, room sprays, essential oil blends and massage oils to you.
We have also delayed the re-launch of our massage oils but we will have a 100ml massage oil for you too
If you know any therapist/salon who offers massage, tell them about our oils and you could receive a free gift when they order from us!!
On July 1st, we will have a limited-edition summer candle “help me say hello to summer” available. Perfect for outdoors or in your home. We have blended organic essential oils of Rose Geranium, Sage, Lavender and Pink Grapefruit to produce a soy candle with a fresh summery scent to help deter flies whilst you enjoy lunch in the garden. We have used a recycled clay pot made in Britain, whitewashed by hand. They make wonderful gifts too!!!
May is the month when nature has completely burst into life, the blossom is abundant, birds are busy nesting, the pond is alive and the flowers are gorgeous. It’s also an excellent time to enjoy eating outdoors as there’s no wasps yet!! One thing that this whole episode has shown us, is that Mother Nature carries on regardless and its this fact, that is uplifting. When this is over and we can get back to our normal routine, nature has not paused. Summer will be on the horizon to be enjoyed but for now we must stay at home and away from others. But you can still enjoy the butterflies dancing around your garden, why not educate yourself and your children in all the different types (The Big Butterfly Count starts 17th July for a month).
They say that if May comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb…..let’s hope so fingers crossed
This month, as we are all at home, we thought it would be nice to talk about how aromatherapy is beneficial in the garden. So first let talk a little about Companion Gardening, this is a huge subject!!!
Companion Gardening
Brassicas (cabbage, cauliflower) – needs sage as it has a lovely strong scent to mask the aroma of the brassica plant
Beans – grow nasturtium to attract the aphids away from the growing beans
Thyme, garlic and chives – grown near roses helps to deter blackfly
There is a fantastic article on Gardeners World which goes into more detail that I can here . But remember that you have to choose the right companion plant as there are plant combinations that do the opposite. For example, if you grow cucumbers next to beans, the cucumbers will struggle. Never grow tomatoes near potatoes as the threat of blight is increased. It is fascinating once you start to investigate, the science is amazing as it’s all about the aroma that certain plants & herbs emit to protect their companion next-door!!
The best way to relax is to get sowing seeds, use peat-free compost and grow in pots made from old scrap paper, old toilet rolls. Why not grow your own salad or pasta sauce???
On May 10th this year, it’s National Garden Day. A time to wear a flower crown and celebrate your garden . Use #GardenDayUK to share your celebration and tag @GardenDayUK to encourage others to join the Garden Day movement.
If you love to help with collecting information on flowers, bird, butterflies, take part in “every flower counts” run by Plantlife
We all know how important pollinators are, they are really struggling at the moment due to habit loss, pesticide use and the habit of growing fancy nectar poor flowers in our gardens but there seems to be a change of thoughts happening. We seem to be growing more open flowers, wildflowers etc but we also need to fall in love with dandelions, nettles too as they provide early food sources & a place for butterflies to lay their eggs. Each type of bee needs different types of flowers. The beautiful bumble bee prefers an open flower, such as the dandelion whereas the mason bee likes lavender, crocus. One plant which has been noted as a Bee Superfood is the Viper’s-Bugloss. If you are lucky to have a bee’s nest in your garden or home please please do not destroy it. Wonder in the magic of them getting on with their day, bees will not hurt you and they do great things in your garden. Read more about helping the bees on the Friends of the Earth website
Have an empty candle tin?
Use is to create a mini bug hotel and hang it in your garden! This is the perfect place to attract some mini wildlife to your outdoor spaces!
April/May sees the arrival of the most gorgeous insects, Butterflies, I love them! The way they dance around the garden is the happiest thing to watch. But they also need our help. Plant buddleia, sedum, chocolate vines, verbena and hebe to provide the food source for butterflies but they also need places to lay their eggs. A patch of stinging nettles at the back of a border is excellent, also try and leave an area in your garden to grow wild, allow grasses to grow a little as some butterflies need this. In July is the Big Garden Butterfly County, go onto their website and start learning the different types of Uk butterflies so you and your family are ready.
May is hedgehog week (3rd to 9th May) . Hedgehogs have been emerging from hibernation and they are hungry & looking for love!!! Hedgehogs need our help; they are really struggling so always leave bowls of water out and have a go at making them a feeding station.
Never use slug pellets in your garden!
We are proud to be approved by The Vegetarian Society to use their logo. Have a look at their website for lots of fun recipes, information & competitions.
Covid-19 and Anxiety
This is a very worrying time and we would love to help you. We know that feelings of anxiety, stress and worrying are on the rise for many reasons, there are many things to help
Exercise is an excellent remedy for stress. Dancing to an upbeat song leaves you smiling, try singing along too for added enjoyment!!! We love “reach” by SClub7
Open your windows and let this wonderful Spring air move through your home.
Practise deep breathing every day. This stretches your diaphragm and gets fresh oxygen to the bottom of your lungs. Mindful breathing is when you visualise the anxiety leaving on the exhale breath
Fill your home with calming scents. Hopefully you have our “help me have a mindful of calm” blend but if not bring herbs (lavender, thyme & camomile) into our kitchen, their scent will fill your home
Make a Mood Board/Ideas Board, this is very relaxing & addictive, you can easily while away hours, redesigning your home, garden, holidays, planters for summer. Maybe even get ideas for a small business too… Have a look at our Pinterest board too!
Dates of Interest
3rd May – International Dawn Chorus Day …..there’s nothing better for the soul than listening to the birds singing their hearts out in the morning
3rd -9th May – National Hedgehog Week – do one thing make them a safe feeding station and put water out
4th May – Star Wars Day ….. a bit of fun here!!
10th May – Garden Day ….put down your tools & enjoy your garden
11th May – Water Saving Week …. We need to use our water carefully but also let’s think of ways to help Mother Nature too, plant a tree or native hedge
11-17 May – National Vegetarian Week – eating a plant-based diet is very healthy but it is essential that we respect every living thing. No animal should suffer for us, ever.
12th May – World Fibromyalgia Awareness Week – this is a painful restrictive disorder where the muscles contract anywhere in the body. Self-Massaging using our oils will help to soothe & calm nerve pathways
18th May – Mental Health Awareness Week – we will be suggesting ways to help all week, keep an eye on our social media
21st May – World Meditation Day – you don’t need any fancy equipment for this. Just sit comfortably and be aware of your breath
29th May – National Biscuit Day …. We love a biscuit here so we couldn’t resist it
We know that things are very difficult at the moment, but we will be able to safely leave our homes, see friends and family. When we can, make sure you give each other a big hug. Helpmeorganics will be back open again full of new products as soon as they tell us we can. But for now, stay safe and safe at home. Lots of love from Linda & Claire xx