July - chapter 7 of 12
Inspirational quote: "Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life"
July is Plastic free month!
We all know that we should reduce, recycle and reuse plastic packaging yet the rivers, ocean and beaches still seem congested with it.
During July, try to find ways to reduce, if not, eliminate, the amount of plastic you use. Supermarkets have many reusable bags in store but how many times have you popped in without your bag? What do you do with the plastic carrier bag once home? There are many more ways that plastics get into our water courses which flow into rivers and out into the sea. Washing machines release micro plastics from our clothes so why are filters not being fitted to ALL new washing machines and tumble driers by law, we feel that this should change.
If you would like to get involved with Plastic Free July, please have a look at their website https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/ Will you take the challenge???
There are actions we can take to limit micro plastic waste from our washing machines:
Make sure you have a full load of washing as this minimises the friction between your clothes
Using a liquid detergent and fabric softener also helps to reduce friction a
Wash at lower temperatures and spin at a lower rate to further reduce the friction which releases fibres
Try and avoid synthetic clothes. Natural fibres are best.
For more tips on filters for your washing machine and tips on how to minimise micro fibre loss, visit https://www.oceancleanwash.org/
Here is a fantastic petition from Friends of the Earth https://act.friendsoftheearth.uk/petition/help-reduce-plastic-oceans
Living plastic free can be done, taking your own storage pots to supermarkets, finding plastic free loose fill shops and taking your own bags with you. Thankfully a lot of manufacturers are redesigning their own packaging to be biodegradable. We think pressure should be put on Cruise liners, Private yachts and Merchant Ships to be plastic bag free so the likelihood of carrier bags getting blown into the ocean is vastly reduced. They should have to ensure all plastic waste is stored safely so the likelihood of waste blowing into the sea is reduced. Similarly, how many times have you been behind a bin lorry or skip lorry and noticed the waste being blown everywhere. It's these simple measures that would reduce plastic waste.
We strive to be a zero waste company and we are nearly there. It's not easy but we continually search for ways to achieve this. All of our packaging can be reused, recycled, composted and repurposed so there is no need to add anything from Helpmeorganics to landfill.
Scent of the month
"help me feel fresh as a daisy"
We wanted to produce an uplifting happy scent that would inspire our customers to feel free of stress. To be able to laugh, dance and sing without feeling lethargic. We have blended organic essential oils of Frankincense, Rosemary, Sweet Orange and Cedarwood. All positive oils in their own way but once combined provided a powerful positive effect on your emotions.
Frankincense oil is a well renowned essential oil for panic attacks, anxiety and when blended with sweet orange, improves your sense of well being. Rosemary is a mental stimulant, helps to improve your mental clarity thus improving your outlook on life. Cedarwood has woody notes which gives the blend balance, the essential oil is very calming, soothing.
Scent of the Month:
You can use "help me feel fresh as a daisy" throughout the year to deliver a fresh, happy feeling at home.
News from the salon:
We are very excited to announce a NEW PRODUCT...."help me be fragrance free" massage oil in 50ml and 100ml will be available from July 1st.
We have blended organic carrier oils of Apricot kernel, Grapeseed and Jojoba to produce a massage oil perfect for sensitive skin types. This massage oil is ideal to use during pregnancy too. I am a holistic therapist and massage lots of pregnant ladies. Enjoying a massage during your pregnancy adds to the enjoyment, eases tension, applying oil to your tum helps with stretch mark's. We recommend leaving any massage until after week 12, after that a gentle massage is highly beneficial, speak to your midwife first. Once you enter the third trimester, massaging your hips has definite benefits to ease pelvic discomfort due to your baby getting into position and pressing on nerves.
We have chosen the carrier oils as they are "tree nut free" oils, this means that the likelihood of a reaction is much lower. As we only use organic carrier oils, they are grown without pesticides and harvested with no impact on nature. This all adds to how gentle they are on your skin. If you have a sensitive allergy prone skin and would like to perform a skin test please get in touch, we will happily send you a sample.
Tips on how to use our massage oils:
Antibacterial, antiviral, muscle relaxing massage oil
We love massage. It calms your para- sympathetic nervous system which in turn sends "feel good" hormones that soothes your mind and body. This reduces feelings of anxiety, pain and discomfort
Applying an oil, rich in vitamins and minerals, onto your skin after your bath or shower, helps to rehydrate your skin. The carrier oils in our body oil are easily absorbed by your skin without leaving a stickiness.
Try applying a small amount to your hair, leave for 10-15 minutes then apply your shampoo before adding water. Your hair will feel soft and silky.
Take a cup of milk (or plant milk), add a little of our massage oil. Step into your bath, pour in the milky substance and inhale our blend. The milk helps the oil to break down but still take care when you leave the bath. This is perfect to rehydrate your skin.
We love abdominal massage. It's very beneficial to relieve symptoms of IBS, PMT. Massage in a circular direction as this soothes your bowel.
Who loves a foot massage? Me!! Reflexology is wonderful, if you ve never had it, try it. Even people with tickly feet can have it, just make sure to tell your therapist. But a simple foot rub for young and old is good for the soul.
Dates of interest:
3rd July - International Plastic Bag Free Day
6th July - International kissing Day - watch out Mr Helpmeorganics !
7th July - World Chocolate Day
10th July - Don’t step on a Bee day
12th July - Love your Park Day - why not do a litter pick
17th July - World Emoji Day
24th July - World Tequila Day
30th July - International friendship day
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”